Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sample Letter For Community Service Reference

The oldest model for new settlements was the castrum, a walled rectangular enclosure with a central avenue in a cross, which lived about 300 people. But the type most commonly used was the Hippodamus, of Greek origin. This type of city was crossed by two main streets, the decumanus, from East to West and thistle, from north to south, which were the benchmark for the design of new streets parallel to these, which divided the city into regular blocks. At the ends of these main streets were located the gates of the city. At the intersection of two streets, the buildings were located most important civil and religious, as the forum. Despite the apparent organization of the Roman cities, the streets had no name and numbering. Originally
Roman house was a simple cottage (house, tugurium) with a circular, with a conical grass roof. This house was replaced by the Etruscan model: rectangular huts with a hole in the roof to smoke out and enter the light and air.
The Romans used to live in DOMUS, flats were

rental scheme, houses are very visible on the outside but
Poor quality and uncomfortable, human hives were made of materials

Cheap and poor quality, without bathroom or kitchen
and similar in distribution to the current

story houses were also out of town. It was villae. Among these are distinguished that are on the outskirts of the city, generally large and sumptuous (villae suburbanae) and field (villae rusticae), engaged in agriculture and livestock, which were authentic villages. depended


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