Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Garrison Smoke Alarm Keeps Beeping


The Roman dress was very varied and also had access to different fabrics
East and Middle East .-

Roman climate is similar to today's case .-
ALMOST TERRIBLE SUMMER 40 C º, wind product Sirocco - Morocco .-
BELOW FREEZING WINTERS DUE TO SNOW, occasionally snowing in Rome .-

troops had different clothes depending on the season .-

troops quickly took over the northern Germanic uniforms used

use .- Hides and skins was common in the legions and their families .-

What the robes just take it with "tweezers", very hollywood.
is basically what Dad has said, was subject to weather and the different fabrics that the wearer could afford in addition to its status.

men whatever their condition wore cloth pants mode current, up wearing the tunic of thread used to have sleeves and tied with rope or belt. It took him all sorts of men. However caballleros and senators had two purple stripes on the robe to differentiate them, called latusclavus.

As for the gown was almost never used wool pure, very heavy, heat and cost was muchísmo move with it. Manly toga was called only the senators, equites and magistrates wore the toga praetexta in public with a strip púrpura.En sometimes wore the toga sollemnia and acts of mourning the toga pulla totally black. The wore the toga Imperatoris Emparan.

For women wore the same underwear tunicula using today called on top of brightly colored tunic and over it stola. Besides also used the pall of many colors. In general using rich fabrics, many ornaments of rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets ... Stolen wore mourning and special events. Sometimes they covered their hair with a veil and combed fine in various ways, they were always beautiful to be collected, braids ...
The Romans adopted the pants in cold places called braj of Celtic origin. And according to their status using different types of footwear is sandals, leather shoes (was normal), leather shoes Senators (calcei) ...
Finally it is worth noting the continued health of the Romans that we are not sure, often washed, shaved and cut hair, perfumed, washing clothes, ornaments and accessories used ...
THE TOGA, was the Roman official dress could not take no foreigners or who had lost the right to citizenship. It was a great piece of wool in shape and size undefined at all, although it has been established that could be elliptical and would measure about 4.60 meters wide by 2.75 tall. The central part of the gown was a series of folds called sinus and lower waist or umbus nudus the top. It was difficult to place and uncomfortable to wear
According to the ornament of the toga was called differently:
• Pure, single color, white or cream, characteristic of the common citizen.
• Pratexta, with a purple strip of different width according to the dignity of the wearer. Toga was the characteristic of the judges and children under 16 years.
• Candida, all white, characteristic of the "candidates" to the magistrates.
• Puglia, brown robe, gray or black, typical of mourning.
• Picta or palmata, decorated in purple and gold gown is the general who led the victory parades.
• trabea, different colors
striped purple, worn by augurs, priests who predict the future.
- The toga was only used by free men, who were not citizens, they were banned for being a contempt of the Roman people. The Romans could not take it banished.
The fabric is folded into two unequal parts in the direction of the length, it was down before an edge from the left shoulder twice and then turn around and under the right arm, which was also pulled over the left shoulder. "
- Pants were considered an article of barbarians, but strangely during the wars in Hispania of the Romans adopted the braccae Celtiberians (shorts). - When the gown was the only garment the Romans used underwear, called subleague, country or cinctus, a species of white trousers. Over time this short step to be used only by the comedians, athletes and farmers. Other costumes
usual among the Romans were the pallium, similar the Greek himation and more comfortable than the toga (the women wore on their heads as a sign of widowhood.) The Lacerna was a mantle similar to the Greek chlamys and became very popular. The paenula, a blanket stitch that was put on the shoulders, was used for trips and in bad weather. Contact with the Gauls made some commoners used the brachae, a kind of pants.
PALUDAMENTUM The SAGUM and military coats were red-brown color, although the latter is carried by the general. Another type of layer was cucullus, hooded cloak similar to the Caracalla, a layer cut that gave the cognomen of the emperor M. Aurelio Antonio "Caracalla."


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