Saturday, March 6, 2010

Best Cruise For 40 Something

Roman emperor Vitellius (14-69), becomes fashionable introducing the art of throwing a feather in the throat and cause nausea. The vomitorium, was where the Romans after the banquet that they got under his belt, threw up food with the help of a peacock feather to continue eating. Nero
sent their fastest runners to bring him snow mountains then mixed with fruit pulp and honey. This gave the sorbet. Roman bakers were of Greek origin. In Rome there were 329 bakeries. The price of bread was regulated by the judges and the office passed from father to son. White flour bread was the most appreciated, while the PANIS plebeius (brown bread) was the poor and slaves. The bread was cheaper ACEROSUS PANIS in its preparation rods were added wheat bran trips and other things that were on hand. The military had their own bakeries and produced his bread, PANIS militaris. The bread was already in Hispania and believed that the use of yeast comes from us.
The Romans invented the champagne-style bottle and not the French. They were the inventors of the champagne bottle with its cap around his neck not to exploit.
A turbot was much more expensive than a cow. The most famous salsa defendant was GARUM was added to any dish, water, wine, etc.. Was made from viscera of fish, tuna, mackerel, sturgeon, were put to soak in brine and dried in the sun for two or three months. Such was his influence that changes in the price of GARUM, bearing on the currency. The most expensive was the GARUM SOCIORUM (garum partners) held in Cartagena and was quoted at 180 pieces of silver per liter of sauce.
There were a lot of rare or exotic dishes like honey-lark brains, flamingo tongues, or nightingale, camel heels crest of birds, pig nipples .... The Emperor Maximin, this came to eat 16 kilos of meat and 32 gallons of wine at one meal. The emperor Heliogabalus presumed not to have drunk twice in the same glass either silver or gold. At a breakfast with time Albino Emperor swallowed the exorbitant amount of 500 figs, 100 peaches, 10 melons, 48 \u200b\u200boysters and 2 kilos of grapes. The greatest feast of history was offered by Julius Caesar to celebrate their victories in the East. Invited for several days to 260,000 ate at 22,000 people and tables. The amphorae were thrown to break into landfill, its fragments (heads) in Rome came to form a 30m high hill, the Testaccio.
After lunch at these great feasts were organized spectacles, highlighting the tie a man to a stake and see how it ripped through a hungry beast. If he died too fast or the tears were not very spectacular the public was angry and demanding more blood, one of them was a man slitting the belly and see how the food fell to the ground, were enthusiasts for public executions.
The comedians were very badly treated by the Emperors. Augusto flogged several actors, Claudius ordered behead six mimes, Caligula and Nero banished several companies of players. The latter represent liked plays and did run to the spectators that cheered him enthusiastically.


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