Saturday, March 6, 2010

Different Haircuts On My Head


[The circus.
The circus was a long room with bleachers for spectators and a track (Sandy) divided by a central wall (spina). The oldest and most impressive circus in Rome was the Circus Maximus, which had a capacity of more than 385,000 spectators. -

circus Troianus Ludus, which consisted of a mock battle between the youth of the aristocracy.
- Exhibitions equestrian riding stunts performed by expert riders (desultores).
- foot races, where for hours the participants gave hundreds of laps of the circus.
- racing cars, which were the highlight of the games. The cars were pulled by two, three or four horses. Each race was to give seven laps around the central spine.
These shows went crazy car the crowd, which was divided into passionate factions, each identified by a color: greens, blues, reds and whites. Under these colors pulsing different political and social trends: the blue used to represent the aristocracy, while the greens were followed en masse for the masses. The charioteers could become real stars if they got many victories, and so did some horses, to which the public knew and cheered as if they were people. Circus games also served for betting large sums of money, which enriched some and ruined others.
The amphitheater is a construction oval recalls two theaters together. The Flavian Amphitheatre, or Colosseum, Rome's most famous building, was opened in 80 d. C., and had a capacity for 50,000 spectators.
This type of building, which is unprecedented in other ancient cultures, has these parts: Underground galleries housed in rooms where the gladiators waited, a moat and cages for animals, machines that move the sets, and so on. ;
- Arena, central oval amphitheater where performances took place.
- Cávea, bleachers divided into three sectors, of those closest to the arena was reserved for the upper classes. You could have a large awning (velum) to protect the public from the sun. The amphitheater
offered three types of shows: gladiator, fighting wild beasts and naval battles.
The gladiatorial spectacle became the favorite of the Romans, a man could become a gladiator in three ways: by being sentenced to death or penal servitude, a slave being punished for its owner, or being a free citizen waives all rights of citizenship (mainly for economic reasons).
The gladiators were trained in special schools, property an entrepreneur (lanista), who rented or sold the gladiators to the organizing of the games. There are several types of gladiators, as their clothing and weapons they carried. When one of the fighters fell to the ground begging for mercy up the crowd, I decided to forgive him or did it kill the winner. The winners got a palm as symbolic prize, receiving gifts and large sums of money, having received several palms became a genuine star gladiator, and his face appeared on coins, vases and other objects, the women fell motionless to his feet and statues erected in his honor. Even some emperors, encouraged by the fame he acquired certain fighters took to the sand, but their struggles were, of course, rigged. In the excitement they caused, the constantly increasing number of fights: famous was the one offered by Augustus, which, in eight days, involved 10,000 gladiators and as the match progressed, slaves and corpses piled up sand soaked renewed blood.
- especially women and midwives pay exorbitant sums to spend the night with a gladiator or muscular athlete, and some put a condition not to wash after the match or competition.
The wild animal shows (venationes) consisted of animals display exotic beasts and fighting battles between man and beast. The animals were sent to Rome by the governors of distant provinces of the empire. With Nero came to sacrifice 400 bears and 300 lions in one day, while in the hundred days that lasted the games offered by Tito Coliseum for the opening of 5,000 animals were killed and hundreds of gladiators.
naumachias The naval battles were mock or intervening in natural-sized ships, and fighters used to be gladiators and condemned criminals. The cost of these shows was so high that it no longer held in the first century AD C.
Theatre in Rome was weaker than in Greece. The tragedies and comedies were appreciated especially among the educated classes, but the common people preferred to other alternatives, such as mime or pantomime.
actors (slaves and freedmen) were grouped into companies (Greg), led by gregis dominus, who played the leading roles and also served as an agent. The hard and wandering life of these comic improved with the easing of customs of the Roman society and the support they received from the powerful.
The theatrical performances were held in the framework of festivals that were related to religious holidays. The uproar that was formed during these representations should be awesome: the public hailed the comics, or kicked if you do not satisfy the show, she took her own food or purchased in the enclosure, and there were frequent fights and quarrels. There came a time when people went to the theater at all but remain silent, which also contributed some emperor, like Nero, which was presented in secret quarrels and encouraged the public. Once again the Roman showed signs of his tastes: fun, obscenities, showy scenery and blood. During festivals
used each day represented a tragedy and a comedy, seasoned with mimes and other entertainment between act and deed. Except the mimes, Roman women used to go to theatrical performances.


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