Saturday, March 6, 2010

How Do You Erase Your Poptropica F

Civil Suit: Composed of two types of garment. The subligaculum and tunic. The subligaculum is a rectangular design holds tunic at the waist, it was made of linen or wool, to over time provides the use of the inner tunic and a robe called subucula outside rectangular design sleeves at the elbow. There was a robe called Caracalla, similar to that described above but with built-cap. Under the robes in the form of below-knee pants tight leather made of barbarian origin femoralia was used. The Romans were very cold when they used to put two or three robes. The Emperor Augustus was so chilly that was to carry four layers. Mantles: Amictus was called, the rectangular design was inspired by the Greek character Imation envelope. The mantle characteristic of the Roman people toga was the call, which varies in design and color. Toga trabea: Manto chlamys similar to Greek. Patricia Toga Pura or Manly: Used only by the upper class (the Patricians), average 6 to 7 meters long and 2.50 wide. Large deployment reflected the breadth of its size. Toga praetexta: Own the judges, ornamented with purple band around the edge straight.


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