-how people got
Each color required a technique for obtaining the land used yellow ocher and iron oxide for red, ocher, sulphide of mercury, to obtain the purple it would be a mollusk, to obtain black, used ivory, bone and charred wood, and soot to obtain the green color, used, vapors of vinegar on copper plates, to obtain white calcium carbonate used to obtain the blue color that came from Alexandria , copper and calcium silicate,
The word comes from the candidate Latin word candidus (White), refers to the linen he wore the applicant to demonstrate the purity of their political intentions.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Different Haircuts On My Head
[The circus.
The circus was a long room with bleachers for spectators and a track (Sandy) divided by a central wall (spina). The oldest and most impressive circus in Rome was the Circus Maximus, which had a capacity of more than 385,000 spectators. -
circus Troianus Ludus, which consisted of a mock battle between the youth of the aristocracy.
- Exhibitions equestrian riding stunts performed by expert riders (desultores).
- foot races, where for hours the participants gave hundreds of laps of the circus.
- racing cars, which were the highlight of the games. The cars were pulled by two, three or four horses. Each race was to give seven laps around the central spine.
These shows went crazy car the crowd, which was divided into passionate factions, each identified by a color: greens, blues, reds and whites. Under these colors pulsing different political and social trends: the blue used to represent the aristocracy, while the greens were followed en masse for the masses. The charioteers could become real stars if they got many victories, and so did some horses, to which the public knew and cheered as if they were people. Circus games also served for betting large sums of money, which enriched some and ruined others.
The amphitheater is a construction oval recalls two theaters together. The Flavian Amphitheatre, or Colosseum, Rome's most famous building, was opened in 80 d. C., and had a capacity for 50,000 spectators.
This type of building, which is unprecedented in other ancient cultures, has these parts: Underground galleries housed in rooms where the gladiators waited, a moat and cages for animals, machines that move the sets, and so on. ;
- Arena, central oval amphitheater where performances took place.
- Cávea, bleachers divided into three sectors, of those closest to the arena was reserved for the upper classes. You could have a large awning (velum) to protect the public from the sun. The amphitheater
offered three types of shows: gladiator, fighting wild beasts and naval battles.
The gladiatorial spectacle became the favorite of the Romans, a man could become a gladiator in three ways: by being sentenced to death or penal servitude, a slave being punished for its owner, or being a free citizen waives all rights of citizenship (mainly for economic reasons).
The gladiators were trained in special schools, property an entrepreneur (lanista), who rented or sold the gladiators to the organizing of the games. There are several types of gladiators, as their clothing and weapons they carried. When one of the fighters fell to the ground begging for mercy up the crowd, I decided to forgive him or did it kill the winner. The winners got a palm as symbolic prize, receiving gifts and large sums of money, having received several palms became a genuine star gladiator, and his face appeared on coins, vases and other objects, the women fell motionless to his feet and statues erected in his honor. Even some emperors, encouraged by the fame he acquired certain fighters took to the sand, but their struggles were, of course, rigged. In the excitement they caused, the constantly increasing number of fights: famous was the one offered by Augustus, which, in eight days, involved 10,000 gladiators and as the match progressed, slaves and corpses piled up sand soaked renewed blood.
- especially women and midwives pay exorbitant sums to spend the night with a gladiator or muscular athlete, and some put a condition not to wash after the match or competition.
The wild animal shows (venationes) consisted of animals display exotic beasts and fighting battles between man and beast. The animals were sent to Rome by the governors of distant provinces of the empire. With Nero came to sacrifice 400 bears and 300 lions in one day, while in the hundred days that lasted the games offered by Tito Coliseum for the opening of 5,000 animals were killed and hundreds of gladiators.
naumachias The naval battles were mock or intervening in natural-sized ships, and fighters used to be gladiators and condemned criminals. The cost of these shows was so high that it no longer held in the first century AD C.
Theatre in Rome was weaker than in Greece. The tragedies and comedies were appreciated especially among the educated classes, but the common people preferred to other alternatives, such as mime or pantomime.
actors (slaves and freedmen) were grouped into companies (Greg), led by gregis dominus, who played the leading roles and also served as an agent. The hard and wandering life of these comic improved with the easing of customs of the Roman society and the support they received from the powerful.
The theatrical performances were held in the framework of festivals that were related to religious holidays. The uproar that was formed during these representations should be awesome: the public hailed the comics, or kicked if you do not satisfy the show, she took her own food or purchased in the enclosure, and there were frequent fights and quarrels. There came a time when people went to the theater at all but remain silent, which also contributed some emperor, like Nero, which was presented in secret quarrels and encouraged the public. Once again the Roman showed signs of his tastes: fun, obscenities, showy scenery and blood. During festivals
used each day represented a tragedy and a comedy, seasoned with mimes and other entertainment between act and deed. Except the mimes, Roman women used to go to theatrical performances.
[The circus.
The circus was a long room with bleachers for spectators and a track (Sandy) divided by a central wall (spina). The oldest and most impressive circus in Rome was the Circus Maximus, which had a capacity of more than 385,000 spectators. -
circus Troianus Ludus, which consisted of a mock battle between the youth of the aristocracy.
- Exhibitions equestrian riding stunts performed by expert riders (desultores).
- foot races, where for hours the participants gave hundreds of laps of the circus.
- racing cars, which were the highlight of the games. The cars were pulled by two, three or four horses. Each race was to give seven laps around the central spine.
These shows went crazy car the crowd, which was divided into passionate factions, each identified by a color: greens, blues, reds and whites. Under these colors pulsing different political and social trends: the blue used to represent the aristocracy, while the greens were followed en masse for the masses. The charioteers could become real stars if they got many victories, and so did some horses, to which the public knew and cheered as if they were people. Circus games also served for betting large sums of money, which enriched some and ruined others.
The amphitheater is a construction oval recalls two theaters together. The Flavian Amphitheatre, or Colosseum, Rome's most famous building, was opened in 80 d. C., and had a capacity for 50,000 spectators.
This type of building, which is unprecedented in other ancient cultures, has these parts: Underground galleries housed in rooms where the gladiators waited, a moat and cages for animals, machines that move the sets, and so on. ;
- Arena, central oval amphitheater where performances took place.
- Cávea, bleachers divided into three sectors, of those closest to the arena was reserved for the upper classes. You could have a large awning (velum) to protect the public from the sun. The amphitheater
offered three types of shows: gladiator, fighting wild beasts and naval battles.
The gladiatorial spectacle became the favorite of the Romans, a man could become a gladiator in three ways: by being sentenced to death or penal servitude, a slave being punished for its owner, or being a free citizen waives all rights of citizenship (mainly for economic reasons).
The gladiators were trained in special schools, property an entrepreneur (lanista), who rented or sold the gladiators to the organizing of the games. There are several types of gladiators, as their clothing and weapons they carried. When one of the fighters fell to the ground begging for mercy up the crowd, I decided to forgive him or did it kill the winner. The winners got a palm as symbolic prize, receiving gifts and large sums of money, having received several palms became a genuine star gladiator, and his face appeared on coins, vases and other objects, the women fell motionless to his feet and statues erected in his honor. Even some emperors, encouraged by the fame he acquired certain fighters took to the sand, but their struggles were, of course, rigged. In the excitement they caused, the constantly increasing number of fights: famous was the one offered by Augustus, which, in eight days, involved 10,000 gladiators and as the match progressed, slaves and corpses piled up sand soaked renewed blood.
- especially women and midwives pay exorbitant sums to spend the night with a gladiator or muscular athlete, and some put a condition not to wash after the match or competition.
The wild animal shows (venationes) consisted of animals display exotic beasts and fighting battles between man and beast. The animals were sent to Rome by the governors of distant provinces of the empire. With Nero came to sacrifice 400 bears and 300 lions in one day, while in the hundred days that lasted the games offered by Tito Coliseum for the opening of 5,000 animals were killed and hundreds of gladiators.
naumachias The naval battles were mock or intervening in natural-sized ships, and fighters used to be gladiators and condemned criminals. The cost of these shows was so high that it no longer held in the first century AD C.
Theatre in Rome was weaker than in Greece. The tragedies and comedies were appreciated especially among the educated classes, but the common people preferred to other alternatives, such as mime or pantomime.
actors (slaves and freedmen) were grouped into companies (Greg), led by gregis dominus, who played the leading roles and also served as an agent. The hard and wandering life of these comic improved with the easing of customs of the Roman society and the support they received from the powerful.
The theatrical performances were held in the framework of festivals that were related to religious holidays. The uproar that was formed during these representations should be awesome: the public hailed the comics, or kicked if you do not satisfy the show, she took her own food or purchased in the enclosure, and there were frequent fights and quarrels. There came a time when people went to the theater at all but remain silent, which also contributed some emperor, like Nero, which was presented in secret quarrels and encouraged the public. Once again the Roman showed signs of his tastes: fun, obscenities, showy scenery and blood. During festivals
used each day represented a tragedy and a comedy, seasoned with mimes and other entertainment between act and deed. Except the mimes, Roman women used to go to theatrical performances.
My Garrison Smoke Alarm Keeps Beeping
The Roman dress was very varied and also had access to different fabrics
East and Middle East .-
Roman climate is similar to today's case .-
ALMOST TERRIBLE SUMMER 40 C º, wind product Sirocco - Morocco .-
BELOW FREEZING WINTERS DUE TO SNOW, occasionally snowing in Rome .-
troops had different clothes depending on the season .-
troops quickly took over the northern Germanic uniforms used
use .- Hides and skins was common in the legions and their families .-
What the robes just take it with "tweezers", very hollywood.
is basically what Dad has said, was subject to weather and the different fabrics that the wearer could afford in addition to its status.
men whatever their condition wore cloth pants mode current, up wearing the tunic of thread used to have sleeves and tied with rope or belt. It took him all sorts of men. However caballleros and senators had two purple stripes on the robe to differentiate them, called latusclavus.
As for the gown was almost never used wool pure, very heavy, heat and cost was muchísmo move with it. Manly toga was called only the senators, equites and magistrates wore the toga praetexta in public with a strip púrpura.En sometimes wore the toga sollemnia and acts of mourning the toga pulla totally black. The wore the toga Imperatoris Emparan.
For women wore the same underwear tunicula using today called on top of brightly colored tunic and over it stola. Besides also used the pall of many colors. In general using rich fabrics, many ornaments of rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets ... Stolen wore mourning and special events. Sometimes they covered their hair with a veil and combed fine in various ways, they were always beautiful to be collected, braids ...
The Romans adopted the pants in cold places called braj of Celtic origin. And according to their status using different types of footwear is sandals, leather shoes (was normal), leather shoes Senators (calcei) ...
Finally it is worth noting the continued health of the Romans that we are not sure, often washed, shaved and cut hair, perfumed, washing clothes, ornaments and accessories used ...
THE TOGA, was the Roman official dress could not take no foreigners or who had lost the right to citizenship. It was a great piece of wool in shape and size undefined at all, although it has been established that could be elliptical and would measure about 4.60 meters wide by 2.75 tall. The central part of the gown was a series of folds called sinus and lower waist or umbus nudus the top. It was difficult to place and uncomfortable to wear
According to the ornament of the toga was called differently:
• Pure, single color, white or cream, characteristic of the common citizen.
• Pratexta, with a purple strip of different width according to the dignity of the wearer. Toga was the characteristic of the judges and children under 16 years.
• Candida, all white, characteristic of the "candidates" to the magistrates.
• Puglia, brown robe, gray or black, typical of mourning.
• Picta or palmata, decorated in purple and gold gown is the general who led the victory parades.
• trabea, different colors
striped purple, worn by augurs, priests who predict the future.
- The toga was only used by free men, who were not citizens, they were banned for being a contempt of the Roman people. The Romans could not take it banished.
The fabric is folded into two unequal parts in the direction of the length, it was down before an edge from the left shoulder twice and then turn around and under the right arm, which was also pulled over the left shoulder. "
- Pants were considered an article of barbarians, but strangely during the wars in Hispania of the Romans adopted the braccae Celtiberians (shorts). - When the gown was the only garment the Romans used underwear, called subleague, country or cinctus, a species of white trousers. Over time this short step to be used only by the comedians, athletes and farmers. Other costumes
usual among the Romans were the pallium, similar the Greek himation and more comfortable than the toga (the women wore on their heads as a sign of widowhood.) The Lacerna was a mantle similar to the Greek chlamys and became very popular. The paenula, a blanket stitch that was put on the shoulders, was used for trips and in bad weather. Contact with the Gauls made some commoners used the brachae, a kind of pants.
PALUDAMENTUM The SAGUM and military coats were red-brown color, although the latter is carried by the general. Another type of layer was cucullus, hooded cloak similar to the Caracalla, a layer cut that gave the cognomen of the emperor M. Aurelio Antonio "Caracalla."
The Roman dress was very varied and also had access to different fabrics
East and Middle East .-
Roman climate is similar to today's case .-
ALMOST TERRIBLE SUMMER 40 C º, wind product Sirocco - Morocco .-
BELOW FREEZING WINTERS DUE TO SNOW, occasionally snowing in Rome .-
troops had different clothes depending on the season .-
troops quickly took over the northern Germanic uniforms used
use .- Hides and skins was common in the legions and their families .-
What the robes just take it with "tweezers", very hollywood.
is basically what Dad has said, was subject to weather and the different fabrics that the wearer could afford in addition to its status.
men whatever their condition wore cloth pants mode current, up wearing the tunic of thread used to have sleeves and tied with rope or belt. It took him all sorts of men. However caballleros and senators had two purple stripes on the robe to differentiate them, called latusclavus.
As for the gown was almost never used wool pure, very heavy, heat and cost was muchísmo move with it. Manly toga was called only the senators, equites and magistrates wore the toga praetexta in public with a strip púrpura.En sometimes wore the toga sollemnia and acts of mourning the toga pulla totally black. The wore the toga Imperatoris Emparan.
For women wore the same underwear tunicula using today called on top of brightly colored tunic and over it stola. Besides also used the pall of many colors. In general using rich fabrics, many ornaments of rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets ... Stolen wore mourning and special events. Sometimes they covered their hair with a veil and combed fine in various ways, they were always beautiful to be collected, braids ...
The Romans adopted the pants in cold places called braj of Celtic origin. And according to their status using different types of footwear is sandals, leather shoes (was normal), leather shoes Senators (calcei) ...
Finally it is worth noting the continued health of the Romans that we are not sure, often washed, shaved and cut hair, perfumed, washing clothes, ornaments and accessories used ...
THE TOGA, was the Roman official dress could not take no foreigners or who had lost the right to citizenship. It was a great piece of wool in shape and size undefined at all, although it has been established that could be elliptical and would measure about 4.60 meters wide by 2.75 tall. The central part of the gown was a series of folds called sinus and lower waist or umbus nudus the top. It was difficult to place and uncomfortable to wear
According to the ornament of the toga was called differently:
• Pure, single color, white or cream, characteristic of the common citizen.
• Pratexta, with a purple strip of different width according to the dignity of the wearer. Toga was the characteristic of the judges and children under 16 years.
• Candida, all white, characteristic of the "candidates" to the magistrates.
• Puglia, brown robe, gray or black, typical of mourning.
• Picta or palmata, decorated in purple and gold gown is the general who led the victory parades.
• trabea, different colors
striped purple, worn by augurs, priests who predict the future.
- The toga was only used by free men, who were not citizens, they were banned for being a contempt of the Roman people. The Romans could not take it banished.
The fabric is folded into two unequal parts in the direction of the length, it was down before an edge from the left shoulder twice and then turn around and under the right arm, which was also pulled over the left shoulder. "
- Pants were considered an article of barbarians, but strangely during the wars in Hispania of the Romans adopted the braccae Celtiberians (shorts). - When the gown was the only garment the Romans used underwear, called subleague, country or cinctus, a species of white trousers. Over time this short step to be used only by the comedians, athletes and farmers. Other costumes
usual among the Romans were the pallium, similar the Greek himation and more comfortable than the toga (the women wore on their heads as a sign of widowhood.) The Lacerna was a mantle similar to the Greek chlamys and became very popular. The paenula, a blanket stitch that was put on the shoulders, was used for trips and in bad weather. Contact with the Gauls made some commoners used the brachae, a kind of pants.
PALUDAMENTUM The SAGUM and military coats were red-brown color, although the latter is carried by the general. Another type of layer was cucullus, hooded cloak similar to the Caracalla, a layer cut that gave the cognomen of the emperor M. Aurelio Antonio "Caracalla."
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Smoke Weed In The Evenings
- Underwear coma was not such, the Romans when they were cold, wrapped her legs with a bandage. Some way to secure and enhance used the mamillare chest or pectoralis fascia (a type of tissue strip). Others had the strophium, soft leather strap holding his chest like a corset. Women of high society rich or used a kind of net made of gold or silver wire to hold the breasts on the big occasions, nipples and areolas were painted with gold, silver or red. - Pants were considered an article of barbarians, but strangely during the wars in Hispania of the Romans adopted the braccae Celtiberians (shorts). - When the gown was the only garment the Romans used underwear, called subleague, country or cinctus, a species of white trousers. With this short time came to be used only by the comedians, athletes and farmers. The Romans were very cold when they used to put two or three robes. The Emperor Augustus was so chilly that was to carry four layers.
Women wore a shirt, and over a stola, was a kind of long robe much like the Greek chiton (a kind of long dress with sleeves) and girdled at the waist with a belt. Over this put a palla, rectangular woolen cloak that covered the shoulders and sometimes the head (also called GREAT MAN, was similar to himation GREEK. Beneath the robe had a kind of sleeveless blouse and a strophium, that was a soft leather strap tied under the bosom. Neither young nor respectable women were covered with a robe, because it was a symbol of adultery or that he worked as a prostitute.
They liked to go out full of jewelry and adornments, those found in various excavations are delicately carved.
The headdress was very important. DORIC
-robe, wool cloth or linen rectangular shape with a fold initial apotygma, which is on the chest and back as a "overskirt. Was attached to the shoulders with brooches and clung to the waist by a belt, which was also used to adjust the length of the suit. Could be decorated with friezes and pictures varied. Peplum
Ionian chiton also called, was a linen dress, more elaborate and proper upper-class women. It consisted of a longer piece of fabric, but less high than the Doric, since there is no "overskirt. Was attached to the shoulders by a series of brooches and two belts, one around the waist and another at the hips, which served to shorten or lengthen the dress at will.
the chiton
The most popular piece of clothing and daily for men and women, made of linen or wool. It consists of a rectangular piece of cloth, which can be in one piece or sewn on the side, attached to the shoulders by brooches and girded with a belt. Was usually short, but senior figures from politics or religion brought them to the foot long. Exomis
like chiton, was fastened at one shoulder, leaving bare the right arm, thus allowing greater freedom of movement.
the himation
part very long semicircular shape. Their placement was varied, but almost always left open the right shoulder and part of the body: could be hanging from the left shoulder to the ankle while the other side around the back and collected on the same shoulder, or they could collect apron with the left arm was immobilized, was also used as a veil covering the head. It carried only on the naked body or on the chiton or peplum, and it had both male and female. THE ROBE
is a rectangular layer of fine wool, fastened with a brooch around her neck. It was a mantle own kings when he was decorated with colorful bark or presented, but also a traveling cloak or military, when it was drawn up with coarser and duller colors
were other types of garments that women tended to use wealthy, and could be of linen or wool. Received the generic name of lighthouses and consisted of a rectangular piece of cloth, as long as wide and could be fastened with brooches or simply was dropped on his shoulders.
THE STOL and the Pall
The suit was stola women married Roman subucula wore on, it was down to his feet and girded with a cord around the hips and with a belt under the breasts, the area. It is said that could be decorated with a purple band, in post-classical era was replaced by the tunic dalmatica, an elaborate gown also came to use men instead of the toga.
the Pall was a mantle himation evolution of Greek women used when out in public, usually covering the head.
- Underwear coma was not such, the Romans when they were cold, wrapped her legs with a bandage. Some way to secure and enhance used the mamillare chest or pectoralis fascia (a type of tissue strip). Others had the strophium, soft leather strap holding his chest like a corset. Women of high society rich or used a kind of net made of gold or silver wire to hold the breasts on the big occasions, nipples and areolas were painted with gold, silver or red. - Pants were considered an article of barbarians, but strangely during the wars in Hispania of the Romans adopted the braccae Celtiberians (shorts). - When the gown was the only garment the Romans used underwear, called subleague, country or cinctus, a species of white trousers. With this short time came to be used only by the comedians, athletes and farmers. The Romans were very cold when they used to put two or three robes. The Emperor Augustus was so chilly that was to carry four layers.
Women wore a shirt, and over a stola, was a kind of long robe much like the Greek chiton (a kind of long dress with sleeves) and girdled at the waist with a belt. Over this put a palla, rectangular woolen cloak that covered the shoulders and sometimes the head (also called GREAT MAN, was similar to himation GREEK. Beneath the robe had a kind of sleeveless blouse and a strophium, that was a soft leather strap tied under the bosom. Neither young nor respectable women were covered with a robe, because it was a symbol of adultery or that he worked as a prostitute.
They liked to go out full of jewelry and adornments, those found in various excavations are delicately carved.
The headdress was very important. DORIC
-robe, wool cloth or linen rectangular shape with a fold initial apotygma, which is on the chest and back as a "overskirt. Was attached to the shoulders with brooches and clung to the waist by a belt, which was also used to adjust the length of the suit. Could be decorated with friezes and pictures varied. Peplum
Ionian chiton also called, was a linen dress, more elaborate and proper upper-class women. It consisted of a longer piece of fabric, but less high than the Doric, since there is no "overskirt. Was attached to the shoulders by a series of brooches and two belts, one around the waist and another at the hips, which served to shorten or lengthen the dress at will.
the chiton
The most popular piece of clothing and daily for men and women, made of linen or wool. It consists of a rectangular piece of cloth, which can be in one piece or sewn on the side, attached to the shoulders by brooches and girded with a belt. Was usually short, but senior figures from politics or religion brought them to the foot long. Exomis
like chiton, was fastened at one shoulder, leaving bare the right arm, thus allowing greater freedom of movement.
the himation
part very long semicircular shape. Their placement was varied, but almost always left open the right shoulder and part of the body: could be hanging from the left shoulder to the ankle while the other side around the back and collected on the same shoulder, or they could collect apron with the left arm was immobilized, was also used as a veil covering the head. It carried only on the naked body or on the chiton or peplum, and it had both male and female. THE ROBE
is a rectangular layer of fine wool, fastened with a brooch around her neck. It was a mantle own kings when he was decorated with colorful bark or presented, but also a traveling cloak or military, when it was drawn up with coarser and duller colors
were other types of garments that women tended to use wealthy, and could be of linen or wool. Received the generic name of lighthouses and consisted of a rectangular piece of cloth, as long as wide and could be fastened with brooches or simply was dropped on his shoulders.
THE STOL and the Pall
The suit was stola women married Roman subucula wore on, it was down to his feet and girded with a cord around the hips and with a belt under the breasts, the area. It is said that could be decorated with a purple band, in post-classical era was replaced by the tunic dalmatica, an elaborate gown also came to use men instead of the toga.
the Pall was a mantle himation evolution of Greek women used when out in public, usually covering the head.
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aromatic essences for home or residence and
clothes. The oils consisted of a liquid base
(almond oil, olive
, linen, animal fat ...)
to perfume your body and hair.
also used other bases as
Talc (the dispasmata), which applied
with swan feathers.
The essences used were:
Flowers: rose, iris, lily, narcissus, lily. Fruit
: bitter almonds, rosemary, bay leaf, thyme, lavender.
spices: saffron, cinnamon, oregano, mint, cardamom.
resins: frankincense, myrrh, amber, cypress resin.
The ointment was alabaster vessels, ceramics, stone, metal or glass used to store perfume in all its forms.
My New Garrison Smoke Alarm Keep Beeping
Jewelry: From imperial times, the high standard of living achieved by the Roman citizen, is sophisticated, in terms of accessories, apparel, both female and male. The design is legendary religious as well as fetishes. As materials have the gold jewelry, silver, tortoiseshell, jade, precious stones, semi-precious stones (garnet), pearl shells, pasta glass, copper, bronze and iron. They are the creators of the ring-seal. The jewels were pearls. Symbols in Jewelry: Cupid, birds, mythological scenes. Roman children wore around his neck a pendant shaped shell, which they left at the time of Patricia Toga Dress or Manly, a symbol of adulthood.
There was no difference between rings of male or female (to spite some smart-ass that I know) and called SEALS, to which signed their documents both men and women widowed for a woman at the time was status as their best could not stand the man, he spent his inheritance ... were themselves.
Jewelry: From imperial times, the high standard of living achieved by the Roman citizen, is sophisticated, in terms of accessories, apparel, both female and male. The design is legendary religious as well as fetishes. As materials have the gold jewelry, silver, tortoiseshell, jade, precious stones, semi-precious stones (garnet), pearl shells, pasta glass, copper, bronze and iron. They are the creators of the ring-seal. The jewels were pearls. Symbols in Jewelry: Cupid, birds, mythological scenes. Roman children wore around his neck a pendant shaped shell, which they left at the time of Patricia Toga Dress or Manly, a symbol of adulthood.
There was no difference between rings of male or female (to spite some smart-ass that I know) and called SEALS, to which signed their documents both men and women widowed for a woman at the time was status as their best could not stand the man, he spent his inheritance ... were themselves.
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- Caligula is their desire to be considered a god, he ordered to behead all the statues of gods and replace them with his face. - Caligula Roman women forced to prostitute themselves to low cost for beggars and undesirable, they could sleep with them. Imposed that parents observe their children were executed for refusing to sleep with him. - Caligula admired the beautiful gladiator Proclus, who was famous for the large size of his testicles. When the gladiator was married, exercised the droit de seigneur over his wife and him. He was later executed and retained his testicles. - Caligula appointed his horse Incitatus consul.
- A Caligula its name comes from his father presented it to the troops in uniform and booties "Caligulae"
Julius Caesar as a young man was tall, very handsome and almost feminine beauty and black eyes. The King of Bitani, fell in love with him, became his mistress and makeup and dressed like a girl. - Julius Caesar was very concerned about his baldness, while being rejected several times as a pretender to the Gallic chief Vercingetorix, one of his great loves, control and run off with her long blonde hair with a wig that was made.
- Julio César his name will their ancestors came from Caesar, Punic source word is translated by elephant, given the large memory and longevity of their ancestors.
- The Romans brushed their teeth with urine and watch your where, the urine of Hispania were the most sought after. Was packaged in sealed jars and were scattered throughout the Empire. - In the public baths are shared a sponge dipped in a bucket of salt water to clean share the noble part of the buttocks.
The Romans had false teeth made of ivory and fastened with gold thread. One of the laws of the Twelve Tables prohibited deposit gold in the graves except for dentures.
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The Tonsor (men's hairdresser, barber) clients to your stylist required most basic actions, also shaved, shaved, took care of the nails and dyed his hair, his work belonged to the mechanical arts and Most of them worked in the street (except from the upper classes). The blades used were of iron, although these are sharpened in that way were always better than let them each in their own home, so we always went to this professional hairdressing was also a great social place to find out all the gossip and news .
The man had his legs waxed.
In the early more often I was to take full shaven face.
to the second century was the most widespread hair shave or wear their hair very short, throwing him forward, with varying style, got along very shaved his beard (it was mandatory).
The fashion of the beard was imported from eastern Greece, and was promoted by Adriano, his face had a bluish unpleasant, because he noticed a lot of the capillaries, as well as some historians because of an illness that affected his face, other which causes a large scar on his face.
The men were very concerned about their image cared much, Julio Cesar was very concerned about his baldness, while being rejected several times by the chief Vercingetorix Galo (one of his great loves), he had run and cut her long blonde hair, with which it was a wig.
The hairstyle of the time the emperors were the vogue,
At each stage of their life style changed, and made
Print coins with his new look, via these
People knew the current fashion
The Tonsor (men's hairdresser, barber) clients to your stylist required most basic actions, also shaved, shaved, took care of the nails and dyed his hair, his work belonged to the mechanical arts and Most of them worked in the street (except from the upper classes). The blades used were of iron, although these are sharpened in that way were always better than let them each in their own home, so we always went to this professional hairdressing was also a great social place to find out all the gossip and news .
The man had his legs waxed.
In the early more often I was to take full shaven face.
to the second century was the most widespread hair shave or wear their hair very short, throwing him forward, with varying style, got along very shaved his beard (it was mandatory).
The fashion of the beard was imported from eastern Greece, and was promoted by Adriano, his face had a bluish unpleasant, because he noticed a lot of the capillaries, as well as some historians because of an illness that affected his face, other which causes a large scar on his face.
The men were very concerned about their image cared much, Julio Cesar was very concerned about his baldness, while being rejected several times by the chief Vercingetorix Galo (one of his great loves), he had run and cut her long blonde hair, with which it was a wig.
The hairstyle of the time the emperors were the vogue,
At each stage of their life style changed, and made
Print coins with his new look, via these
People knew the current fashion
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beautiful Roman women thought that the eyebrows were joined on his nose, to achieve this effect using a mixture of crushed ant eggs with dry flies, also used as mascara. Body hair had been shaved so completely, Dominican only sleeping with women who previously had shaved in its entirety. There are several methods to remove hair. For example, using a kind of tasting dropax called plasma, composed of several conifer waxes, also used the tweezers (forcipes aduncae), but it was a very painful procedure. Some men also remove their hairs all over.
Poppaea (Nero's wife) in all his travels he was followed by a flock of three hundred donkeys, which were milked every morning so he could fill his silver bathtub for your morning bath moisturizer. She invented the mask, which was a mixture of pulp and donkey milk called TECTORIUM, which applied before bedtime and let it set overnight. For wrinkles using a mask made of rice and bean flour. The perfumed ladies who were crowding the mouth of his slaves and is the perfume sprayed on her mistress.
creams, perfumes and ointments that are sold in small ceramic vessels, glass jars or small containers of alabaster.
makeup for the face was mixed in small dishes, sometimes using lanolin from sheep wool scouring. The skin had been white (as a sign of passion), using a mixture of plaster, bean flour, chalk and white lead (lead carbonate classic) the final results that were obtained were the opposite, as this mixture darkened the face, also for the purpose of whitening ate a lot of cumin. Carmine lip ocher was obtained from a lichen called ficus, or shellfish. The eye liner was achieved from soot or antimony powder made: the latter was also used to thicken the eyebrows to eye shadow was essential ash, also used the khol, disguising it in black and blue. Eyebrows were outlined without extension and remove their hairs with tweezers and the lips and cheeks were colored in shades of reds, white teeth to get any better than vinegar.
urine used as toothpaste, and the most sought were those of Hispania, are packaged in jars are sealed and distributed by the Empire
was used to shave a kind of tasting dropax called plasma, composed of several conifer waxes, also used clamps (forcipes aduncae), but it was a very painful procedure. Some men will remove their hairs all over.
The mirror was a basic need. Were made of highly polished sheet metal and often had the reverse lavishly decorated.
was used to shave a kind of tasting dropax called plasma, composed of several conifer waxes, also used the tweezers (forcipes aduncae) but it was a very painful procedure. Some men will remove their hairs all over. They used face masks
against stains, adding fennel scented myrrh (five of nine fennel scruples of myrrh) and a handful of dried rose petals and incense male with rock salt. Pour over barley juice: the incense and salt weigh as much as the roses.
against wrinkles: "Boil the talus of veal for forty days and forty nights, until it becomes jelly and then applied with a cloth"
To smooth the skin, based on wild radish and vetch flour ( legume like lentils), barley, wheat and lupins. To lighten the skin
d face: melon roots air dried, crushed and boiled in water and applied as a poultice. -
to perfume his wife, a slave perfume filled his mouth and sprayed on her mistress.
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hairstyles for women
Roman women, such as Greek, wore their hair long and fastened with ribbons and braids. Hairstyles evolve as times and social classes. The girls, before marriage, is easily combed, collecting hair in a bun on the back with braids or ponytails.
Married women, in principle, they had a distinctive hairstyle, the mane sex, six braids, hairstyle which also carried the vestal virgins, priestesses very important social and religious life in Rome.
Throughout the empire, the hairstyles were more complicated following models: all hair fastened with tape on the neck, forming a multi-storey wore her hair up, arranged in a semicircle hair twists around ... All these need fake hair, needles comatoriae, nets and expert hands of slaves. It was also common to use blond wigs and dye to lighten hair.
The professional female beauty was a mixture called Ornatrix hairdresser, beautician and image consultant whose fundamental purpose was to beautify the Roman matrons. With respect to the functions of washing the hair salon to clients, made more visible eliminate gray hair with tweezers and pulling them were experts in making collected, which is essential to distinguish with the naked eye a lady and a prostitute (including the wearing loose).
These professionals also make wigs who called CAPILLAMENTUM, with hair imported from India or cut to the slaves, also painted the bald areas of the head.
The blonde caused a sensation among both sexes and to get gold dust were cast in the sixth century C. the Romans adopted the Greek habit of dying his hair reddish-yellow, getting this color with caustic soap (foam caustic or Batavian) made from tallow and ashes. Also placed wigs brought from Germany.
Roman women, such as Greek, wore their hair long and fastened with ribbons and braids. Hairstyles evolve as times and social classes. The girls, before marriage, is easily combed, collecting hair in a bun on the back with braids or ponytails.
Married women, in principle, they had a distinctive hairstyle, the mane sex, six braids, hairstyle which also carried the vestal virgins, priestesses very important social and religious life in Rome.
Throughout the empire, the hairstyles were more complicated following models: all hair fastened with tape on the neck, forming a multi-storey wore her hair up, arranged in a semicircle hair twists around ... All these need fake hair, needles comatoriae, nets and expert hands of slaves. It was also common to use blond wigs and dye to lighten hair.
The professional female beauty was a mixture called Ornatrix hairdresser, beautician and image consultant whose fundamental purpose was to beautify the Roman matrons. With respect to the functions of washing the hair salon to clients, made more visible eliminate gray hair with tweezers and pulling them were experts in making collected, which is essential to distinguish with the naked eye a lady and a prostitute (including the wearing loose).
These professionals also make wigs who called CAPILLAMENTUM, with hair imported from India or cut to the slaves, also painted the bald areas of the head.
The blonde caused a sensation among both sexes and to get gold dust were cast in the sixth century C. the Romans adopted the Greek habit of dying his hair reddish-yellow, getting this color with caustic soap (foam caustic or Batavian) made from tallow and ashes. Also placed wigs brought from Germany.
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shops, lodging and workshops
Stores (Tabernae), are usually of a single room and a desk. The Stabula are establishments with stables which consist of an open courtyard surrounded by dining and upstairs where the bedrooms were. The hospitia are cheap and have dining rooms and bedrooms triclinia. The popinae are buildings dedicated to the sale of food and drink. The workshops and stores called officinae
shops, lodging and workshops
Stores (Tabernae), are usually of a single room and a desk. The Stabula are establishments with stables which consist of an open courtyard surrounded by dining and upstairs where the bedrooms were. The hospitia are cheap and have dining rooms and bedrooms triclinia. The popinae are buildings dedicated to the sale of food and drink. The workshops and stores called officinae
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The furniture of the Roman houses were very plain and functional. Beds served him to the Romans, besides sleeping, as a sofa, eating and lying to have sex. For lighting the houses were used torches, candles and oil lamps. The rooms were heated by stoves or braziers bronze fixed. The floor was covered with mosaics, the subjects referred to the purpose of the room where they were. The walls were often decorated with paintings and curtains. The house was uncomfortable, the furniture was sparse, few windows and no glass, so that the interior was very cold and dark. Generally there were no toilets, no toilets, no running water except for some houses. Instead, the decor was plush and served to hide the poor quality of materials: the walls were painted with magnificent frescoes and the floors were covered with mosaics.
The furniture of the Roman houses were very plain and functional. Beds served him to the Romans, besides sleeping, as a sofa, eating and lying to have sex. For lighting the houses were used torches, candles and oil lamps. The rooms were heated by stoves or braziers bronze fixed. The floor was covered with mosaics, the subjects referred to the purpose of the room where they were. The walls were often decorated with paintings and curtains. The house was uncomfortable, the furniture was sparse, few windows and no glass, so that the interior was very cold and dark. Generally there were no toilets, no toilets, no running water except for some houses. Instead, the decor was plush and served to hide the poor quality of materials: the walls were painted with magnificent frescoes and the floors were covered with mosaics.
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The oldest model for new settlements was the castrum, a walled rectangular enclosure with a central avenue in a cross, which lived about 300 people. But the type most commonly used was the Hippodamus, of Greek origin. This type of city was crossed by two main streets, the decumanus, from East to West and thistle, from north to south, which were the benchmark for the design of new streets parallel to these, which divided the city into regular blocks. At the ends of these main streets were located the gates of the city. At the intersection of two streets, the buildings were located most important civil and religious, as the forum. Despite the apparent organization of the Roman cities, the streets had no name and numbering. Originally
Roman house was a simple cottage (house, tugurium) with a circular, with a conical grass roof. This house was replaced by the Etruscan model: rectangular huts with a hole in the roof to smoke out and enter the light and air.
The Romans used to live in DOMUS, flats were
rental scheme, houses are very visible on the outside but
Poor quality and uncomfortable, human hives were made of materials
Cheap and poor quality, without bathroom or kitchen
and similar in distribution to the current
story houses were also out of town. It was villae. Among these are distinguished that are on the outskirts of the city, generally large and sumptuous (villae suburbanae) and field (villae rusticae), engaged in agriculture and livestock, which were authentic villages.
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specialization of the weapon used to fight all on her neck a red handkerchief with which to prevent rubbing of the shell, dried blood and sweat (that's why they used that color), a ring-shaped seal who signed his writings, a bag of skin that looks like a bag, a helmet and sandals, then divided into those who used the javelin battle, called PILIUM, were the infantry., ran a few steps and launched., were kept in the PORTA-PILIUM and also carried a shield.
On the other hand, those who ran the GLADIUS HISPANIENSI, who carried it into the sheath and it is a machete Pugie assistant, a last resort, ideal for stabbing, able with a good rush, pass a coat of Mayans also had a shield, this time round to avoid the attack of the enemy. The gunners drove
military weapons, the crossbow, the Onaje and scorpio.
specialization of the weapon used to fight all on her neck a red handkerchief with which to prevent rubbing of the shell, dried blood and sweat (that's why they used that color), a ring-shaped seal who signed his writings, a bag of skin that looks like a bag, a helmet and sandals, then divided into those who used the javelin battle, called PILIUM, were the infantry., ran a few steps and launched., were kept in the PORTA-PILIUM and also carried a shield.
On the other hand, those who ran the GLADIUS HISPANIENSI, who carried it into the sheath and it is a machete Pugie assistant, a last resort, ideal for stabbing, able with a good rush, pass a coat of Mayans also had a shield, this time round to avoid the attack of the enemy. The gunners drove
military weapons, the crossbow, the Onaje and scorpio.
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Civil Suit: Composed of two types of garment. The subligaculum and tunic. The subligaculum is a rectangular design holds tunic at the waist, it was made of linen or wool, to over time provides the use of the inner tunic and a robe called subucula outside rectangular design sleeves at the elbow. There was a robe called Caracalla, similar to that described above but with built-cap. Under the robes in the form of below-knee pants tight leather made of barbarian origin femoralia was used. The Romans were very cold when they used to put two or three robes. The Emperor Augustus was so chilly that was to carry four layers. Mantles: Amictus was called, the rectangular design was inspired by the Greek character Imation envelope. The mantle characteristic of the Roman people toga was the call, which varies in design and color. Toga trabea: Manto chlamys similar to Greek. Patricia Toga Pura or Manly: Used only by the upper class (the Patricians), average 6 to 7 meters long and 2.50 wide. Large deployment reflected the breadth of its size. Toga praetexta: Own the judges, ornamented with purple band around the edge straight.
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For four months the new recruits were subjected to relentless training. Upon completion of this period could be called survivors and soldiers and military. Those who could not resist the training were rejected.
First they were taught to march marking time. Then they had running, pushing hard until they were able to cover 20 -30 km-Roman miles in five hours. They would then have to go charged the same distance with all its equipment, including weapons and armor, kitchen utensils, sticks to the fence, digging tools and supplies for several days, since the end of each gear had to build a camp with defensive ramparts and moats .
The training continued until they were able to travel 24 miles -36 km-in five hours. At first the legionaries used beasts of burden and carts to transport the equipment. But the famous general Gaius Marius driving major reforms in the army, forced them to personally carry almost all the baggage needed to reduce the size of caravans Quartermaster (they called "mules Mario"). The entire team must have weighed at least 30 kg, and weapons and armor over 20
Legionaries marches performed three times a month for 25 years. This training and ability to move was one of the reasons why the Roman army was so superior to other armies. This was only part of the instruction, since the training program also included running, jumping, horse riding and swimming. When he was considered physically fit to begin instruction in the use of arms.
The recruits were taught to attack a heavy stake in the ground with a heavy wooden sword and a shield of wicker that weighed twice as much as a normal shield. They insisted that hit the front, without describing arcs with the sword, which can be avoided more easily. They were also trained on the launching of heavy wooden javelins against the stakes.
Once this happened, they were considered worthy to bear arms genuine leather-lined to prevent accidents, they seem very slight compared to the heavy wooden weapons.
The Effective
A legion consisted of ten cohorts ((unless it was a court of assault or invasion that were formed after 20 or 30 men)) of 480 men each which gives a figure of 4,800 men in total ; that in theory, since there appears certain that the legions have been with full pictures, much less. Normally
each century was a box 10 x 8 men. As the second century of each handpiece down to close the gap, the depth of the front line of the legion was 8 men. Since three lines were able to present a legion, the battlefront was structured as a series of lines with 8 men deep. Cannae remember that the handpieces formed with folded depth, ie with 16 men, an experiment that cost 50,000 dead Romans. Since the secret tactics of the legion was none other than their flexibility, the front line with 8 men deep was the rational and best suited to this essential feature. But if you had to reduce the depth, the same operating flexibility to allow the miracle of "thin" lines.
the Roman soldiers, CLOTHING IN WAR
depended on the expertise of the weapon used to fight, all carried in the neck with a red handkerchief to prevent rubbing of the shell, dried blood and sweat (hence used that color), a ring-shaped label which signed their letters, a bag of skin that looks like a bag, a helmet and sandals, then divided into those who used the javelin battle, called PILIUM, were the infantry., ran walking distance and throwing., were kept in the PORTA-PILIUM and also carried a shield.
On the other hand, those who ran the GLADIUS HISPANIENSI, who carried it into the sheath and it is a machete Pugie assistant, a last resort, ideal for stabbing, may with a good rush, pass a coat of Mayans also had a shield this time round to avoid the attack of the enemy. The gunners drove
military weapons, the crossbow, the Onaje and scorpio.
For four months the new recruits were subjected to relentless training. Upon completion of this period could be called survivors and soldiers and military. Those who could not resist the training were rejected.
First they were taught to march marking time. Then they had running, pushing hard until they were able to cover 20 -30 km-Roman miles in five hours. They would then have to go charged the same distance with all its equipment, including weapons and armor, kitchen utensils, sticks to the fence, digging tools and supplies for several days, since the end of each gear had to build a camp with defensive ramparts and moats .
The training continued until they were able to travel 24 miles -36 km-in five hours. At first the legionaries used beasts of burden and carts to transport the equipment. But the famous general Gaius Marius driving major reforms in the army, forced them to personally carry almost all the baggage needed to reduce the size of caravans Quartermaster (they called "mules Mario"). The entire team must have weighed at least 30 kg, and weapons and armor over 20
Legionaries marches performed three times a month for 25 years. This training and ability to move was one of the reasons why the Roman army was so superior to other armies. This was only part of the instruction, since the training program also included running, jumping, horse riding and swimming. When he was considered physically fit to begin instruction in the use of arms.
The recruits were taught to attack a heavy stake in the ground with a heavy wooden sword and a shield of wicker that weighed twice as much as a normal shield. They insisted that hit the front, without describing arcs with the sword, which can be avoided more easily. They were also trained on the launching of heavy wooden javelins against the stakes.
Once this happened, they were considered worthy to bear arms genuine leather-lined to prevent accidents, they seem very slight compared to the heavy wooden weapons.
The Effective
A legion consisted of ten cohorts ((unless it was a court of assault or invasion that were formed after 20 or 30 men)) of 480 men each which gives a figure of 4,800 men in total ; that in theory, since there appears certain that the legions have been with full pictures, much less. Normally
each century was a box 10 x 8 men. As the second century of each handpiece down to close the gap, the depth of the front line of the legion was 8 men. Since three lines were able to present a legion, the battlefront was structured as a series of lines with 8 men deep. Cannae remember that the handpieces formed with folded depth, ie with 16 men, an experiment that cost 50,000 dead Romans. Since the secret tactics of the legion was none other than their flexibility, the front line with 8 men deep was the rational and best suited to this essential feature. But if you had to reduce the depth, the same operating flexibility to allow the miracle of "thin" lines.
the Roman soldiers, CLOTHING IN WAR
depended on the expertise of the weapon used to fight, all carried in the neck with a red handkerchief to prevent rubbing of the shell, dried blood and sweat (hence used that color), a ring-shaped label which signed their letters, a bag of skin that looks like a bag, a helmet and sandals, then divided into those who used the javelin battle, called PILIUM, were the infantry., ran walking distance and throwing., were kept in the PORTA-PILIUM and also carried a shield.
On the other hand, those who ran the GLADIUS HISPANIENSI, who carried it into the sheath and it is a machete Pugie assistant, a last resort, ideal for stabbing, may with a good rush, pass a coat of Mayans also had a shield this time round to avoid the attack of the enemy. The gunners drove
military weapons, the crossbow, the Onaje and scorpio.
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Roman women spent much time at home, taking everything about her, supervising the work of slaves, spun the wool, taking care of children. These women are called MIDWIVES. However, all women, regardless of class, enjoyed much more freedom that of ancient Athens.
was closely associated with the life of her husband, shared the honors to be taxed to their husbands, appeared in public at events, ceremonies and games, and took part in meals and receptions. His influence, though not recognized by law was very great, indeed Catán wanted to end the luxury of women with a law, but people did not dare to vote for it because their wives were in the Assembly.
The amount of jewelry worn by the woman, and therefore, its range, was consistent with the social position of her husband. The woman did all the housework, but in "good families" jobs such as removing water or preparing food were reserved for slaves. Had formal custody of the keys to the house and controlled the daily lives of children and slaves. In the absence of her husband ran the family business. At the receptions, the women shared a table with the guests and at the time of Augustus reclined on couches as men.
The women left the house for shopping, social visits, attend public events and go to temples. Those belonging to the upper classes moved around town in a sedan chair (sella). They could also go to the baths, although at different times of the men or using separate facilities.
rich ladies were not obligations as housewives because her husband was in charge of the slaves. These women were not even to try to get dressed or put on by themselves because this was the work of the slaves. However, the release of these ladies was relative. They were always accompanied, even some had slept with a slave in her room for caregivers. Decency and care of rank a woman forced to leave the house accompanied by servants, ladies and gentleman companion services. Duly accompanied only women had the right to visit their friends. Demure ladies out very sparingly and only showed in public covered by a veil.
In Rome there was a divorce but was usually the man who requested it. The best state for the rich woman was the widow because she was much freer than any woman could have married a fortune as she wished.
girls from wealthy families went to school until he was twelve. After this age, few women continue their education, with the permission of their husband or father, by tutors who taught them the classics. It was normal to have women who acquired a culture of entertainment such as singing, dancing and playing an instrument. These artistic activities are praised a lot in women "honest." For the twelve years girls already granted to a husband, but had not consummated the marriage. A woman is considered adult at age fourteen, then everyone called "ma'am." Wealthy families locked up their daughters at home and put a spin with a distaff and spindle, thereby demonstrating that time spent doing nothing wrong.
Roman women spent much time at home, taking everything about her, supervising the work of slaves, spun the wool, taking care of children. These women are called MIDWIVES. However, all women, regardless of class, enjoyed much more freedom that of ancient Athens.
was closely associated with the life of her husband, shared the honors to be taxed to their husbands, appeared in public at events, ceremonies and games, and took part in meals and receptions. His influence, though not recognized by law was very great, indeed Catán wanted to end the luxury of women with a law, but people did not dare to vote for it because their wives were in the Assembly.
The amount of jewelry worn by the woman, and therefore, its range, was consistent with the social position of her husband. The woman did all the housework, but in "good families" jobs such as removing water or preparing food were reserved for slaves. Had formal custody of the keys to the house and controlled the daily lives of children and slaves. In the absence of her husband ran the family business. At the receptions, the women shared a table with the guests and at the time of Augustus reclined on couches as men.
The women left the house for shopping, social visits, attend public events and go to temples. Those belonging to the upper classes moved around town in a sedan chair (sella). They could also go to the baths, although at different times of the men or using separate facilities.
rich ladies were not obligations as housewives because her husband was in charge of the slaves. These women were not even to try to get dressed or put on by themselves because this was the work of the slaves. However, the release of these ladies was relative. They were always accompanied, even some had slept with a slave in her room for caregivers. Decency and care of rank a woman forced to leave the house accompanied by servants, ladies and gentleman companion services. Duly accompanied only women had the right to visit their friends. Demure ladies out very sparingly and only showed in public covered by a veil.
In Rome there was a divorce but was usually the man who requested it. The best state for the rich woman was the widow because she was much freer than any woman could have married a fortune as she wished.
girls from wealthy families went to school until he was twelve. After this age, few women continue their education, with the permission of their husband or father, by tutors who taught them the classics. It was normal to have women who acquired a culture of entertainment such as singing, dancing and playing an instrument. These artistic activities are praised a lot in women "honest." For the twelve years girls already granted to a husband, but had not consummated the marriage. A woman is considered adult at age fourteen, then everyone called "ma'am." Wealthy families locked up their daughters at home and put a spin with a distaff and spindle, thereby demonstrating that time spent doing nothing wrong.
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Roman emperor Vitellius (14-69), becomes fashionable introducing the art of throwing a feather in the throat and cause nausea. The vomitorium, was where the Romans after the banquet that they got under his belt, threw up food with the help of a peacock feather to continue eating. Nero
sent their fastest runners to bring him snow mountains then mixed with fruit pulp and honey. This gave the sorbet. Roman bakers were of Greek origin. In Rome there were 329 bakeries. The price of bread was regulated by the judges and the office passed from father to son. White flour bread was the most appreciated, while the PANIS plebeius (brown bread) was the poor and slaves. The bread was cheaper ACEROSUS PANIS in its preparation rods were added wheat bran trips and other things that were on hand. The military had their own bakeries and produced his bread, PANIS militaris. The bread was already in Hispania and believed that the use of yeast comes from us.
The Romans invented the champagne-style bottle and not the French. They were the inventors of the champagne bottle with its cap around his neck not to exploit.
A turbot was much more expensive than a cow. The most famous salsa defendant was GARUM was added to any dish, water, wine, etc.. Was made from viscera of fish, tuna, mackerel, sturgeon, were put to soak in brine and dried in the sun for two or three months. Such was his influence that changes in the price of GARUM, bearing on the currency. The most expensive was the GARUM SOCIORUM (garum partners) held in Cartagena and was quoted at 180 pieces of silver per liter of sauce.
There were a lot of rare or exotic dishes like honey-lark brains, flamingo tongues, or nightingale, camel heels crest of birds, pig nipples .... The Emperor Maximin, this came to eat 16 kilos of meat and 32 gallons of wine at one meal. The emperor Heliogabalus presumed not to have drunk twice in the same glass either silver or gold. At a breakfast with time Albino Emperor swallowed the exorbitant amount of 500 figs, 100 peaches, 10 melons, 48 \u200b\u200boysters and 2 kilos of grapes. The greatest feast of history was offered by Julius Caesar to celebrate their victories in the East. Invited for several days to 260,000 ate at 22,000 people and tables. The amphorae were thrown to break into landfill, its fragments (heads) in Rome came to form a 30m high hill, the Testaccio.
After lunch at these great feasts were organized spectacles, highlighting the tie a man to a stake and see how it ripped through a hungry beast. If he died too fast or the tears were not very spectacular the public was angry and demanding more blood, one of them was a man slitting the belly and see how the food fell to the ground, were enthusiasts for public executions.
The comedians were very badly treated by the Emperors. Augusto flogged several actors, Claudius ordered behead six mimes, Caligula and Nero banished several companies of players. The latter represent liked plays and did run to the spectators that cheered him enthusiastically.
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- After pruning, the branches of trees, women wishing to become pregnant were ritually flogged, priestesses sacred prostitutes in honor of the goddess. Over time the name of the goddess became known to the women engaged in prostitution.
was considered a social good. The word comes from the so-called harlots fornicate, which were the cells where the prostitutes were receiving customers. The log was in charge of maintaining order and charged a service fee of
prostitute prostitutes had to wear a different dress, they were forced to wear a wig or dye her hair yellow, in addition to register with municipal, and wear a short tunic and dark. In I there is a record of 32,000 prostitutes who lived in brothels called brothels, city licensed facilities, close to circuses and amphitheaters or places where sex was a supplement to the main activity (taverns, baths and inns)
The Esquino districts and the Circus Maximus had a greater number of brothels and stylish humble were located in the fourth region, were decorated with murals alluding to sex and identified on the street with a large phallus which was illuminated at night. They displayed their charms on the door of the brothel and the room door was a list of prices and services as well as a drawing illustrating the prostitute's specialty. Fellatio was the most disgusting habit that a customer might ask, was the most expensive.
were several types of prostitutes, MEREDETRICES were registered in public lists, the PROSTIBULAE exercising their profession where they could, releasing the tax. The DELICATAE were the estate, senators were among its customers, business or general. Those from the patrician class, who engaged in this profession for economic reasons or for pleasure, including the famous stand Messalina, Agrippina the younger, or Julia, the daughter of Augustus. The so-called AMBULATRAE WORKED was so named because the street or in the circus, the LUPA now working in the woods near the city and the BUSTUARIE working in cemeteries. The PALA accepted to anyone who could pay the price demanded. Shortly after lift
the Roman camp did not take long to appear in a brothel to satisfy the troops.
favorite place for sexual intercourse were the bathrooms, which offer their services both men and women, some large class of them could use the services of handsome young men, paid exorbitant sums to spend the night with the Gladiators after his performance and asked them not to take a shower afterwards.
The prostitutes offered their services for oral sex to their clients in CUNNULINGIORUM STATIO
Roman women, to avoid becoming pregnant, lovers looking swords, ie castrated in adulthood and therefore had no features of eunuch. Mint was used as an aphrodisiac. In wartime was banned cultivation and infusions of this plant, not to weaken the soldiers.
- After pruning, the branches of trees, women wishing to become pregnant were ritually flogged, priestesses sacred prostitutes in honor of the goddess. Over time the name of the goddess became known to the women engaged in prostitution.
was considered a social good. The word comes from the so-called harlots fornicate, which were the cells where the prostitutes were receiving customers. The log was in charge of maintaining order and charged a service fee of
prostitute prostitutes had to wear a different dress, they were forced to wear a wig or dye her hair yellow, in addition to register with municipal, and wear a short tunic and dark. In I there is a record of 32,000 prostitutes who lived in brothels called brothels, city licensed facilities, close to circuses and amphitheaters or places where sex was a supplement to the main activity (taverns, baths and inns)
The Esquino districts and the Circus Maximus had a greater number of brothels and stylish humble were located in the fourth region, were decorated with murals alluding to sex and identified on the street with a large phallus which was illuminated at night. They displayed their charms on the door of the brothel and the room door was a list of prices and services as well as a drawing illustrating the prostitute's specialty. Fellatio was the most disgusting habit that a customer might ask, was the most expensive.
were several types of prostitutes, MEREDETRICES were registered in public lists, the PROSTIBULAE exercising their profession where they could, releasing the tax. The DELICATAE were the estate, senators were among its customers, business or general. Those from the patrician class, who engaged in this profession for economic reasons or for pleasure, including the famous stand Messalina, Agrippina the younger, or Julia, the daughter of Augustus. The so-called AMBULATRAE WORKED was so named because the street or in the circus, the LUPA now working in the woods near the city and the BUSTUARIE working in cemeteries. The PALA accepted to anyone who could pay the price demanded. Shortly after lift
the Roman camp did not take long to appear in a brothel to satisfy the troops.
favorite place for sexual intercourse were the bathrooms, which offer their services both men and women, some large class of them could use the services of handsome young men, paid exorbitant sums to spend the night with the Gladiators after his performance and asked them not to take a shower afterwards.
The prostitutes offered their services for oral sex to their clients in CUNNULINGIORUM STATIO
Roman women, to avoid becoming pregnant, lovers looking swords, ie castrated in adulthood and therefore had no features of eunuch. Mint was used as an aphrodisiac. In wartime was banned cultivation and infusions of this plant, not to weaken the soldiers.
Bomber Junior T Forks
Roman society was based on inequality, and, as in all unequal society, the tension between the classes and their dialectic is the engine of its history and its main feature.
The tension between the patricians, customers, commoners and slave rebellions were the most important political news, the first three classes were more political activity and the other two, less.
This association was not the same throughout the history of ancient Rome. There were tensions, changes, evolution.
In the early days of social inequality based on birth and religion. Roman society had two main types of people: the free and not free (slaves, lat. Ser.)
Citizens Free, in turn, were divided into privileged (the patricians, in lat. patricii) and underprivileged.
underprivileged citizens could be independent (the plebeians, in lat. Plebeii) or dependent (clients and freedmen, in lat. Liberti). Patricios
were the first families settled in Rome and their descendants. Each seeks to descend from an ancestor more or less deified (pater). Those same pater form a gens, bearing the same name (nomen gentilicium) and celebrate the same religion (sacred gentile).
Since the beginning of Rome, the patricians and their families are the first social link. These patricians owned slaves, probably many times in large numbers. The patricians are the basis of the founding of Rome and, therefore, are citizens of Rome. Has exclusive public office, and guide the life of Rome. Later
citizenship rights extends to people minores calls, ie those from other cities within the same city without being patrician, acquired Roman citizenship. The patricians said they were relatives of the founders of Rome. (Romulus was the founder and first king of Rome) - Only Patricians could carry in his funeral the imaginum ius (right image), consisting of actors with masks in imitation of the deceased ancestors who came to simulate to receive it. Customers
customers were foreigners or poor refugees, subject to patronage of a patrician, who offered him financial aid, defended him before the law, and let him participate in religious ceremonies to change that accompanies this war and help in all the works in which the patrician as requested. The patricians were proud to have large or significant customers
constitute the majority of the population (the crowd), also composed of foreigners, refugees and poor customers who had fallen out with their "employers." Men were considered free and therefore could not participate in politics or religion.
slaves is the normal fate of prisoners of war. Legally, had no rights: they were instrumentum vocale ("tool talk"). Free did the worst jobs and life. The deal depended on the personal character of the master. They became numerous with the expansion of Rome.
Roman society was based on inequality, and, as in all unequal society, the tension between the classes and their dialectic is the engine of its history and its main feature.
The tension between the patricians, customers, commoners and slave rebellions were the most important political news, the first three classes were more political activity and the other two, less.
This association was not the same throughout the history of ancient Rome. There were tensions, changes, evolution.
In the early days of social inequality based on birth and religion. Roman society had two main types of people: the free and not free (slaves, lat. Ser.)
Citizens Free, in turn, were divided into privileged (the patricians, in lat. patricii) and underprivileged.
underprivileged citizens could be independent (the plebeians, in lat. Plebeii) or dependent (clients and freedmen, in lat. Liberti). Patricios
were the first families settled in Rome and their descendants. Each seeks to descend from an ancestor more or less deified (pater). Those same pater form a gens, bearing the same name (nomen gentilicium) and celebrate the same religion (sacred gentile).
Since the beginning of Rome, the patricians and their families are the first social link. These patricians owned slaves, probably many times in large numbers. The patricians are the basis of the founding of Rome and, therefore, are citizens of Rome. Has exclusive public office, and guide the life of Rome. Later
citizenship rights extends to people minores calls, ie those from other cities within the same city without being patrician, acquired Roman citizenship. The patricians said they were relatives of the founders of Rome. (Romulus was the founder and first king of Rome) - Only Patricians could carry in his funeral the imaginum ius (right image), consisting of actors with masks in imitation of the deceased ancestors who came to simulate to receive it. Customers
customers were foreigners or poor refugees, subject to patronage of a patrician, who offered him financial aid, defended him before the law, and let him participate in religious ceremonies to change that accompanies this war and help in all the works in which the patrician as requested. The patricians were proud to have large or significant customers
constitute the majority of the population (the crowd), also composed of foreigners, refugees and poor customers who had fallen out with their "employers." Men were considered free and therefore could not participate in politics or religion.
slaves is the normal fate of prisoners of war. Legally, had no rights: they were instrumentum vocale ("tool talk"). Free did the worst jobs and life. The deal depended on the personal character of the master. They became numerous with the expansion of Rome.
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